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10 Mistakes Screenwriters Make When Querying

It’s true that the writing sample is the most important part of any query letter. However, you need to spend some time making sure that the query letter is solid as well. First impressions matter, and you can rub agents the wrong way if your query letter isn’t up to snuff. Here are the 10 biggest mistakes screenwriters make when querying. 1. Using A Generic Greeting If you are submitting a query letter, address the agent properly by name in your greeting. It’s unprofessional to use a...

Madeline Miller
Madeline Miller
4 days ago
10 Mistakes Screenwriters Make When Querying

How To Build Your Creative Support Network

Friends, family, project collaborators, social media connections—I’m sure your network is abundant. But in all likelihood, you’re missing out on a mastermind group—a creative support network of individuals who guide each other through professional challenges. Mastermind groups are well known in the business community, yet rarely used by filmmakers, writers, actors, and other artists. Personally, I think it’s time creatives start leveraging this idea for themselves.     What Is A Mast...

Michele Meek
Michele Meek
5 days ago
How To Build Your Creative Support Network

Preparing for Auditions: 7 Guided Script Approaches That Land You The Job

There is nothing like auditioning. The range of emotions an actor feels stepping into a room full of decision-makers is considerable and often damaging to the quality of the audition itself. One way to keep those emotions and the mistakes they cause in check is to know how to work on a script in a hurry. And I will let you in on a secret: Good readers make better auditioners, whether you get the sides a week, a day, or ten minutes before the audition. So, if you don’t read aloud, it’s tim...

Joey Madia
Joey Madia
6 days ago
Preparing for Auditions: 7 Guided Script Approaches That Land You The Job

How Stage 32 Helped Me Accomplish My Goals: Sometimes It Takes Years... Until It Doesn't

I wrote my first screenplay in my mid-twenties when Syd Field’s Foundations of Screenwriting was the major go-to for the craft. “Spa Wars” was a parody steeped in small-town politics and, of all things, an ongoing economic rivalry between two competing health clubs. Really tacky stuff. I requested script notes from Sam Havens, Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. Solution: rewrite the damn thing. I did what most mystified young screenwriters do—chalked up the project...

Julie Rogers
Julie Rogers
7 days ago
How Stage 32 Helped Me Accomplish My Goals: Sometimes It Takes Years... Until It Doesn't

What Is Cinematic?

This was the first and last question I was asked as a student in film school. Is it something that we see on a big screen? That can’t possibly be the answer, you can see just about anything on a “big screen” these days and most cinematic experiences now happen in your home. I remember playing Metal Gear Solid on my Play Station and remarking that it was quite a “cinematic experience.” Yet, when I watch the news, I don’t feel like it’s a cinematic experience. So, in this, I can understand the...

Nathan Woodward
Nathan Woodward
8 days ago
What Is Cinematic?

Navigating the Complex World of Film Production Accounting

Why Up-to-Date Cost Reports Matter & How to Solve Common Issues Film production is a fascinating intersection of creativity and complexity, where every detail—from the script to the screen—requires meticulous management. Yet, amidst the excitement of making movies, managing finances often feels like navigating a labyrinth. Producers, line producers (LPs), and accountants regularly face challenges, especially when it comes to tracking and managing expenses. A common scenario that epitomizes this...

Keely Kemp
Keely Kemp
9 days ago
Navigating the Complex World of Film Production Accounting

Coffee & Content: What Are 3 Things That Motivate You?

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this fantastic interview from Film Courage, Screenwriter, Director, & Editor R.J. Daniel Hanna is sharing the truths that no one can teach you about screenwriting. Honing in on the hard fact that sometimes “good” isn’t good enough. As creatives, rejection is a constant part of the journey an...

Coffee & Content: What Are 3 Things That Motivate You?

5 Tips For Creating Great Characters In Your Screenplay

There are so many different aspects to your screenplay that will guarantee its success. A compelling story is one such aspect, but without interesting characters, the story will just fall flat. Here are some tips to help you write the best characters possible, and bring that story to life. 1. Make The Lead A Likable Person You may want to avoid this, as trying to make a character likable can often make the story dull and uninteresting. After all, if there's no one creating conflict, then the...

Sara Sparrow
Sara Sparrow
11 days ago
5 Tips For Creating Great Characters In Your Screenplay

5 Rules For Writing Horror

So you’ve finally caught on that the easiest script to get made is horror. It’s global, it’s cheap and it’s the most-made genre with independent investors. What do you need to know? 1) Low Budget If You Are Not Established There are so many genius horror movies that take place in a house or a hotel or in the woods. Why? Because you only need one location. Monsters are tricky, but ghosts that you never really have to see (Paranormal Activity) are cheap. The cheaper your budget, the more likely...

Peter Goldfinger
Peter Goldfinger
12 days ago
5 Rules For Writing Horror

Gender Equality in Animation

We had two buildings when I started working at Walt Disney Feature Animation in 1999. There was the Northside building up near the Burbank Airport and the Southside building across the street from the lot off the 134 Freeway. It's commonly referred to as the "Hat Building" because of the giant iconic wizard's hat from The Sorcerer's Apprentice on the west end. The original Disney Animation building still stands in the middle of the Disney lot, but now it's mainly production offices. It has a lon...

Brian Smith
Brian Smith
13 days ago
Gender Equality in Animation