Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Raven Riley
Raven Riley
9 months ago

Introduce Yourself Weekend is a great way to kick-start engagement every single month here on Stage 32, but that’s just the starting point! One of the biggest relationship builders in the industry is consistency. When you’re able to be consistent, you build inherent trust while also staying top of mind—and staying top of mind MATTERS.

If you want to be successful in the entertainment business, you need your name to become synonymous with what you do. That way, when someone is looking for a screenwriter who specializes in horror with a retro vibe, there’s an immediate name and face that springs to mind. Same thing with actors. If a casting director is looking for someone with a girl-next-door look that can pull off a dramatic scene within a romantic comedy, there should be an immediate face springing to their mind. This is true of any position, genre, etc. within the industry—and you want that face to be yours.

Here’s how you can leverage your presence on Stage 32 to do just that.

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Post, Post, Post—And Post Some More

The Stage 32 Lounges are where some of the greatest discussions happen on the platform. Lounges are public discussion spaces dedicated to areas of interest and profession, such as Authoring & Playwriting, Acting, Animation, Directing, Producing, Cinematography, Financing, Distribution, Post-Production, Transmedia, etc. The discussions within each of those spaces is specific to the particular challenges (and celebrations) of that topic. By posting in the lounges, you can give tips to other members, share your journey, ask questions, and seek support.

Now here’s the cool thing, simply by posting consistently, you build trust in the lounges. If you’re asking for help in a meaningful way—you can build authority at the same time. How? The way you frame your question speaks to your level of experience and expertise, while also giving you more visibility. Both of these things can work in your favor. Likewise, when you post solid advice to others in the lounges, your voice is elevated on the network. You become someone people can trust and look to for guidance.

When you become a trusted voice, you are seen more as an equal or a collaborator, even if you haven’t gotten your full foot through the door yet. This also helps you build more relationships at the same time. That’s why you want to make sure you’re posting meaningful content regularly on Stage 32 in the lounges.

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Be The Person Others Look Forward To Hearing From

At Stage 32, there are a handful of people that make members smile whenever they engage, and Maurice Vaughan is at the top of that list. Maurice is one of (if not THE) most engaged person on this platform. He’s thoughtful, consistent, and shows up in the comments for other people’s posts. He is the full embodiment of what the Stage 32 community represents: connectedness, caring, and expert-level conversations while furthering his projects and working towards his own goals within the industry. He’s been my role model for how to make the most out of my experience here on Stage 32. The reason Maurice has found success on Stage 32 isn’t just because he posts—it’s because he comments and shows up for the community every single day.

Does that mean you have to show up every day?


But! It does mean the more consistent you are, the more success you’re going to generate.

Whenever you show up in the comments of someone else’s post (or even when your latest post goes up), you want other Stage 32 members to get that dopamine hit from seeing your face and reading what you have to say. That comes from consistency and delivering meaningful conversations over and over again. It doesn’t take a lot to be “meaningful”, it actually takes surprisingly little. All you have to do is engage with what the other person has to say. Ask follow-up questions about them and their work, leave words of encouragement, and respectfully share your opinions, thoughts, and advice.

Before you know it, you may find yourself a role model and inspiration for others here on the platform, even executives that you look up to.

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Make Learning A Priority

One of the greatest parts of Stage 32 is that there’s always something to learn. From the lounge posts to the daily blogs to the webinars and classes, there’s something for everyone to learn here. By showing up ready to learn, you put yourself in a state of receiving, which is vital for success.

If you’re constantly contributing but never learning or taking in the immense amount of genius that’s been collected on Stage 32—you’re cutting yourself off at the metaphorical knees. First, everyone needs mentors in this industry, and learning from people is one way to get noticed and develop relationships with possible mentors. There are both free and paid ways to leverage Stage 32 to develop those mentorship relationships with major figures throughout all areas of the industry.

On a weekly basis in various Stage 32 lounges, you can find a 24-Hour Ask Me Anything, where you have the unique opportunity to ask an experienced creative professional questions about their process and personal journeys. It’s a chance to speak directly with someone who can provide clear advice and wisdom on a particular topic.

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

The Stage 32 Blog is a treasure trove of information for both its readers and writers. Taking the time to read the blog each day is like getting a mini-crash course on all areas of the industry through people’s personal experiences, tips, guides, and advice, outlining how you can learn from their triumphs and mistakes. As an occasional blog contributor, I’ve been blown away by the response that I’ve received from my fellow members of this community as well as executives who have sought me out, simply because they enjoyed what I had to say and share in this space. The comment section below is just another place to support one another, build community, and be seen. Take advantage of that by leaving comments, questions, and words of encouragement!

The Writer’s Room membership has been invaluable to me personally. From the community within the Writer’s Room, the Monday night Coverage Report and the Wednesday Webcasts give you the opportunity to make meaningful relationships with other screenwriters and industry professionals who are dedicated to creating success. The Thursday night Pitch Practices run by Brooklynn Fields and John Mezes, give you a community of screenwriters to connect with who show up, week after week, to support one another. Personally, it’s been my greatest source of inspiration and growth as a writer while deepening my commitment to my craft. I cannot recommend The Writer’s Room enough.

Keeping Up The Momentum From Introduce Yourself Weekend

Creating A Real Community

Stage 32 doesn’t just help members grow their careers. Stage 32 enriches the personal lives of it’s members. Real friendships are made here, and my Stage 32 connections are some of the closest relationships I have. This is more than networking if you show up and contribute what you can consistently (and we’re always excited to expand the family).

Stage 32 as a whole is a learning and connecting platform. There are NO stupid questions, so never be afraid to start a conversation or ask for help in the appropriate lounge. The industry professionals here want to foster your ability to seek out information and learn, as well as contribute.

It’s also important to mention that we foster a safe and supportive space here at Stage 32, so if anyone ever reaches out inappropriately asking for money or says something that makes you feel uncomfortable, always report them to so that it can be investigated swiftly.

Member safety is a top priority (as well as helping you achieve your goals). We’re all in this together!

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About the Author

Raven Riley

Raven Riley

Author, Screenwriter, Editor

Raven is the Stage 32 Moderator for the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge. Raven Riley is an editor and screenwriter specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and comedy with an avid love for television. With over 11 years of experience as a journalist, writer, and publicity specialist after being i...

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