I've had two short plays on - the Space ( a SubVerse production) and Soho ( a Paines Plough production). My first full- length play was longlisted for the Bruntwood Prize and the Soho Verity Barbara Award. I've had rehearsed readings at Rich Mix, RADA, King's College and Southwark Playhouse. I've been awarded a week's rehearsal space by the Old Vic and have been long listed for the Old Vic New Voices Programme.
I work with great actors and directors and would love to meet some equally great producers!
Unique traits: I am in awe of great acting and write with particular actors in mind. My work mixes natural dialogue with heightened dialogue. I've mostly written historical plays but a recent play, a male gay romance story, is set in the present.
Long listed for the Bruntwood Prize
Long listed for the Soho Verity Bargate Award
Long listed for the Old Vic New Voices Programme
Exeter University