Jesse McElroy

Jesse McElroy


Cincinnati, Ohio

Member Since:
January 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jesse

23 year old screenwriter with multiple feature length screenplays under my belt. Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. I write thrillers, dramas and science fiction but dabble in romantic comedies from time to time. If you are interested in viewing my work shoot me an email!




  • Goodbye Blue Sky

    Goodbye Blue Sky Thriller Drama Two American soldiers of the second world war take part in the United States first ever black operation when they come across a secret Nazi bunker hiding a device that reroutes history down an alternative dark path.

  • Objects in the Mirror

    Objects in the Mirror Romance Comedy After suffering a devastating heartbreak this small town high school graduate sets out on the big city to search for a new life but ends up in a predicament choosing between the new love of his life and his new best friend that introduced the two after witnessing a life changing event.

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