K.K. Karamali

K.K. Karamali

Eastwest pictures

Member Since:
March 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About K.K.

Filmmaker and writer



  • people of Toronto

    people of Toronto (2020)
    Documentary by eastwest pictures shows different people of toronto

  • Journey to the West

    Journey to the West (2016)
    Film (Action and Drama) Director a man on a journey of traveling through countries however he dosent posses any travel documents.

  • The Plant

    The Plant (2011)
    Film (Short, Drama and Sci-Fi) Director A post apocalypse event took place on Earth, there is a man in a mission to find a plant to save the planet.

  • Moment of Hope

    Moment of Hope (2011)
    Film (Short and Drama) Director MOMENT OF HOPE SYNOPSIS Behind Toronto's glittering street lights Shane, a homeless musician, lies in a filthy back alley desperately fighting for a glimmer of peace between horrifying nightmares. Early the following morning, nine year old Sarah excitedly sets out to the local supermarket to purchase a chocolate bar with a two dollar coin from her Grandmother. Outside the market, Sarah meets Shane crouched on the concrete sidewalk, playing his guitar for handouts. After introducing herself, Sarah asks Shane who he is and if he has a home. His answer is a haunting ballad of a childhood filled with terror, abuse and moral abandonment. When his song is finished, young Sarah is confronted with her first moral crisis. Will she take her money and move on, or try to make even a small difference in a tortured man's life? Written by Anonymous


  • self taught

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