Leonor LeRu

Leonor LeRu

Business Owner/Founder of LeRu Film International at LeRu Film International
Filmmaker, Music Editor, Producer and Songwriter

Las Vegas, Nevada

Member Since:
July 2020
Last online:
1 week ago
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About Leonor

Hello Everyone on Stage32,


I joined Stage 32July 2020. Fortunately, I accidentally met a female artist at a local bank on my first few years in the City of Las Vegas, when I did not know anybody and while I was exploring the city. I moved to Las Vegas to start a new beginning, in September 2018 to pursue my dream on Producing my first featured film project MARINA FILM. I brought with me my Passions in Arts Music and Film. That's all!
I left my heart in San Francisco, missing walking back and forth the Golden Gate Bridge, By the Fisherman's wharf where I used to live, but sacrificing to pursue my dream is worth it.

To give everyone an overview about my First Project MARINA FILM:
I envisioned it in 2014, when I decided to revisit my passions in Visual Arts . As time went by, I got interested on learning How to Produce a film. Bravely enough after taking basic animation course, I shifted to MPT Movie Production and Television.
I admit even if I have learned the basic skills, there is a room for improvement.
I was lost because I knew I have a dream and vision that no one could see until I was found by a artist here at Stage32. That started the spark in me.
In 2021, I produced short videos of about everything , worked with a Soundtrack composer. I became more and more inspired in what I do.
In 2023, I became his Official Editor of his soundtrack compositions. Bringing his music scores to life.
On November 2023, I decided to write The Marina Book Project before focusing on the Film Project until major challenges came along, all projects were temporarily frozen.
On August 2024, another major challenges came along overcame after three weeks.
Continued writing ...
On September 6, 2024..I completed the Book..Reviewed and Now ..October 12, 2024 In the process of Publishing at the Amazon
On September 6, 2024..same time I finished the book. I purchased the FINAL DRAFT 13 without wasting anytime, I started writing the SCREENPLAY. I had to get accustomed with the new version because I used the old one in class years ago. I am glad I was able to adopt.

As of October 12, 2024...I completed the SCREENPLAY...and mailed it to SCRIPT DOCTOR. My mentor for review.
I have no intention of moving forward until I finish my MARINA PROJECT because this is my Promise to my Beloved Late Mother MARINA.

I am fortunate to find Stage32 as my Sanctuary.

To view my Portfolio:

A Passion Driven Artist
LeRu Film International

Unique traits: MY MANTRA: "With all my heart and soul, I love and enjoy what I do, and Do what I love, and enjoy...No other Way" www.lerufilminternational.com





    MARINA WWII TRUE STORY Budget: $0 - $100K | Historical A Story of an 18 Year old Student who survived by hiding in the jungle for almost two years together with a friend and other civilians to escape from the Japanese soldiers to over the country until the liberation Day. 


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