Mari Colòn

Mari Colòn

Bilingual Account Executive/ Certified Media Specialist/ Integrated Marketing Specialist at Urban1 Radio
Actor, Location Manager and Voice Actor

Columbus, Ohio

Member Since:
November 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Mari

Hola! Born in PR and raised between the island and NYC, I learned that there are no dreams too big to pursue nor ideas too small to breathe life into. I decided to follow my ambitions late in life and now my future is obstructed by the reconstruction of my smile which I can't afford. I'm going through something mentally, emotionally and so physically painful that mere words can't explain or describe but I still refuse to give up. I want to bring a smile to the world but how can I if I can't smile myself? Maybe my big break is waiting somewhere in here, who knows?! Let me just keep pushing forward...

I am talented, driven and ambitious and nothing will stand in my way!

Unique traits: My Coolest Human Traits: I can zig — and zag. I'm completely adaptable. I'm not easily thrown by a change in circumstances. I don’t need to know exactly what’s happening to feel okay in the world. Fully capable of turning uncertainty into possibility — even excitement. I like people but honestly don’t need them. I like people — a lot. I'm genuinely interested in them. I ask good questions and convey my interest in others. I try to always say yes to social invitations — but I also know when to say no. My clothes match my personality. I never look like I tried too hard to get dressed (or like I tried on three outfits before getting out the door, even if I have). But, whatever the occasion, my clothes and general appearance — outside of work, school or uniform requirements — convey something of the person I am. Consistently. Criticism washes over me. I don’t take things (too) personally. I understand other people’s opinions are not really about me — they’re a reflection of that person’s history, experiences and beliefs. Which means I'm not governed by the critiques of others — I do what I want or had planned anyway. I live “now” without over-stressing about the future. I know the past has shaped my life, and I draw knowledge from it, but I also know the past can be a trap. I refuse to walk into that trap because I know the past should not dictate my future. I self-regulate — everything. Food, alcohol, exercise, work, emotions — whatever it is, I know how to enjoy or express myself — and, when enough is enough, I just head home. Or close the gate. Or get on with something else. I'm very curious. About everything. I love to learn. And I will hunt down opportunities to do so. If you’re mean to me, I won’t make a fuss. Instead, I’ll just drift away. I know the world is full of people who won’t be mean to me. People who will add to my life— not subtract. I won’t judge you. I’ll help you if you need it and I’ll advise you if you ask for it — but I won’t force my opinions on you. I simply won’t judge you. I find fun in the small stuff. I laugh easily and often. I can be serious when necessary but I have a lightness of spirit that is fun to tap into.




  • The Ohio Media School

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