I married my soulmate, I love serving God, riding my bike, paying it forward, and video creating. And I'm blessed to do a YouTube show where I ride my bike to pay it forward by either getting a video interview about the awesome people and causes in my county. Or right after the Action Riders of Franklin County Missouri voted me in as a one year trustee, and days later named me their Chaplain. They allowed me to bless a $100 check from them to a lady in need., on my show.
So hopefully sponsors will begin to take their lead and Pay it Forward TV will be able to continue showing support by sharing all these amazing causes on my show, and finally be able to leave them with a blessing. And my only meager dream in life is to eventually get paid to ride my bike around showing amazing people helping their community or being helped and leave them with a blessing.
But I don't know where that job exist so I'll just keep doing it anyways and let God figure out the rest. Here's a link to the Action Riders episode that I pray gets made into a normal format from now on out lol.
Unique traits: I love helping people as they just might be Jesus. Matt 25: 35-40
East Central College