I’m a fledgling screenwriter and a member of the Harvard Square Scriptwriters. I've written eleven full length features and one stage play. One of my scripts, Zombie Cop, was stage-read by local talent at the Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA in September 2014 and another, The Hourglass, placed in the top 5% of the Nicholl Competition.
Unique traits: None, everyone here is creative, funny, weird, good-looking, and smart. However, only some of us are bald.
Zombie Cop Action ⋄ Comedy He was an honest cop framed for murder. Now he's a ZOMBIE COP seeking justice.
The Hourglass Action ⋄ Fantasy A reluctant apprentice wins the love of a princess and finds the father he never had while constructing a magic hourglass that saves her kingdom from her evil half-brother.
Alien Football Hero Action ⋄ Sci-fi A four-foot tall albino alien scouts Earth to prepare for an invasion but becomes an NFL Quarterback instead.
Zombie Cop
by Harvard Square Scriptwriters/Christine Cannavo
Screenwriter Staged Reading of Script at Central Square Theater, Cambridge, MA 9/2014