Pavle Stanimirovic

Pavle Stanimirovic


New York City, New York

Member Since:
June 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Pavle

Bio will be coming out shortly and I will just have to allow my writer to post the Bio and give me some slack ,I am not as good as people make me to be and ,it just being at the right time at the right place ,so I will have the writer explain the story and I will confirm it in great and interesting details with over 300 of Manhattans most successful comercial burglaries in and around the 47st Diamond District .
Daniel Simone will have a blast ,telling you this Mafia Dynasty proffesional writers for this true crime suspense ,action ,that actually happened .
Daniel Simone , and author of super successfully written true crime novel The Lufthanza Heist ,Mr Daniel Simone is man of certain standards that will not bend for anyone ,as he Masterfully creates our new project ,for my Bio . Right this moment I am just here ,but not excisting in a relm of notoriety ,for tight lipped ,people knew with out sharing no one will know what we did .

Unique traits: better ask me what I do not know ?




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