Acting : Monologue Source Needed by Cheyenne L. Harlow

Cheyenne L. Harlow

Monologue Source Needed

I have been on the search for a good college in either Georgia or Florida. But, the one thing that has seemed to put further applying to colleges is the lack of sources I have of finding good monologues that I would feel comfortable in. Basically, I was wondering if anyone had any monologue sources or monologues that would fit. I am trying to avoid from paying for monologues from the lack of money I have in pocket. That changes things, because most people ask for money for the monologues.

Cheyenne L. Harlow

That sounds like a good idea, thank you Chip. :) I will try to look harder for a monologue soon.

Gameela Wright

I agree with Chip that you can find some really good monologues in Film/TV that no one will have used. However, it is always good to have a good theater piece in your pocket as well. There are MANY free monologues on the internet. Google is your friend.

Cheyenne L. Harlow

Thank you. Haha, yes, Google almost always have the answers.

Alejandra Alyse Guzman

my personal favorites are ~big bad wolf, bones the pirate girl, dance with the wind, good deeds and such, greed killed her, i hate buffets, i was never important, my punishment, and all the worlds evils~ just put in the name and add monologue after it when searching hope these will help you

Cheyenne L. Harlow

Alright, all of your ideas are very helpful and I truly appreciate it. I will continue to look into it and see the outcome of it. Thank you all again.

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