Distribution : Cannes by Sophia Kiapos

Sophia Kiapos


Hi all! My film is screening at Cannes next weekend! I would love to connect with any fellow Stage32'ers who will be attending the festival! About my film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3908264/?ref_=nm_flmg_prd_2 www.facebook.com/oliviamarthailse?ref=br_rs We are currently in development for the feature length version of the film! I wish you truly all the best!

Christopher Stadulis

Do you have a trailer?

Anne Gaedcke

Hi Sophia,Nice to connecting with you

Hugo Diogo

Hi Sophia. Where you in the short film competition? How was the funding for the short film? I was there as well. Digital is opening many oportunities for directors and producers.

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