Filmmaking / Directing : Directing Manager by Ryan Shovey

Ryan Shovey

Directing Manager

Hey fellow professionals! I am an indie director, mainly doing short films at the moment. I am editing my 12th short film now. And, I am on the look out for a manger, because I would like to start doing paid work that could get me better, higher paid recognition. Right now, I'm in my 10th year of my craft, and I would love to get into the commercial/tv directing world, as well as directing feature films. Does anybody have any advice for me as far as seeking out a manager who could help guide my career out in Los Angeles? If you're curious about what I do, here is my latest short film called Lover. I appreciate getting feedback, but do understand that I REALLY want to be a working director, so if you see that I have talent, then please give any advice on what I should do next. Thank you!!

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