Introduce Yourself : Horror movie by Michael Wood

Michael Wood

Horror movie

Hello everyone. It's Michael again I posted a few messages and got some great hits and met some really cool people on here . Hoping to do the same . I have a movie I am looking to shoot . It's a low budget horror film . I have the story and everything ready to go . However I am looking for a partner I do not have the funds to make the movie and it is a low budget movie . Perfect for the film festivals. There are so many low budget horror films out there that turned into classics . I have a great movie here and I need a partner or a investor to get it rolling . This will be my first film I am shooting . I don't have the experience yet but you have to start somewhere . I am just looking for a chance to be heard . If you are looking for a great movie to invest in them please send me a message . I would be happy to send you over the details and script . Let you look it over and go from there . It is a horror movie that I really think would be a good one . I have watched a lot of horror movies and I really feel good about this film . I am looking like I said to partner up with someone to get the movie made . If anyone is looking for a horror movie or know where I can look please get back to me . Again I met a bunch of awesome people on here and would love to meet more . Have a great day and hope to hear back from some great people

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