Introduce Yourself : Actor/Writer/Producer by Khris Feazell

Khris Feazell


Hello all! My name is Khris Feazell. I'm an actor/writer/producer living in LA. I grew up in VA with a stint in Wilmington, NC tossed in the middle. I've managed to secure a few roles in a variety of projects ranging from tv to film to independent shorts. I wrote and co-produced my first short two years ago. It's a seven minute film you can find on YouTube keywords All In Khris Feazell. I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm now putting together a feature film I hope to shoot in VA this summer. It's been a process but I plan on seeing it come to fruition soon. I wish each and every one of you nothing but the best and never, ever let anyone or anything stand in the way of what you want in life! Cheers

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