Introduce Yourself : #MakeTarzanFlop by Walter Harris Gavin

Walter Harris Gavin


This is Walt Gavin of Gavin Media NU World. In addition to being a writer/producer/author I'm an advocate for changing the face of Hollywood to be a more inclusive, diverse industry where all that is America is represented and championed. Part of that advocacy involves bringing to light projects and product offerings from the major studios and others that demonstrate an insensitivity to their own "white" supremacist/superiority tendencies that has characterized the industry since D.W. Griffiths' "Birth of a Nation." The latest iteration of this mind-set shows up July 1 with "The Legend of Tarzan." I'm encouraging all Stage 32 members to join me in sending the studios particularly Warner Bros., which is releasing this film and financed it to the tune of $180 million a message that enough is enough. Join the #MakeTarzanFlop Campaign on Twitter. Thanks

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