Screenwriting : Favourite Screenwriters by Rose Drabble

Rose Drabble

Favourite Screenwriters

Who are your favourite screenwriters and why do you like them so much?

Kyle Climans

Oliver Stone - for his topics, his mostly realistic dialogue, and intense way of describing his stories, especially "Platoon" Atom Egoyan - for his handling of multiple, often overlapping, storylines (see "Exotica" and "Ararat") Martin McDonagh - for his brilliant comedy, shifting from dark to meta at the drop of a hat, and also his ability to switch from comedy to drama without it being forced or insincere.

Kyle Climans

I assumed you only meant film, but for television I would include Michael Hirst, Dan Harmon, and David Simon.

Dan MaxXx

most of em write about NYC-- P Schrader, Richard price, Spike Lee, J Jarmusch, M Scorcese, Stone, Chris Rock, James Mangold.. too many to name.... I like action movies and my guys are Steven E de Souza, S Stallone. All dudes. My fav female filmmaker is Kathryn Bigelow- "Blue Steel", "Point Break", "Strange Days."

Travis Sharp

Are the Coen brothers too obvious a choice?

Travis Sharp

And I like the Coens because of their flare with dialogue and memorable characters. And I like the fact that I dislike some of their movies. It seems they write what they want to write instead of just what sells.

Craig D Griffiths

William Goldman a legend Stephen Knight a story genius

Carl Hippensteel

Billy Wilder, James L Brooks, Horton Foote, Blake Edwards, Colin Higgins, David O Russell - all wonderful at comedy and capturing the bittersweetness of humanity

Tony Cella

Kevin Smith, Richard Linklater, the Coens. Whoever writes Ahnuld and Stallone's one-liners is a genius.

Stevan Šerban

Federico Fellini, Bernardo Bertolucci, Paul Schrader, Quentin Tarantino, Luc Besson, Shane Black...

Dan MaxXx

Spent thanksgiving weekend watching david mamet flicks-- glengarry, Untouchables,

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