Introduce Yourself : URGENT:Need a dialogue writer as soon as possible for a Fantasy,Adventure,Mystery. by Bliss Muamba

Bliss Muamba

URGENT:Need a dialogue writer as soon as possible for a Fantasy,Adventure,Mystery.

Hi Everyone,

I've been working on a movie project for quite sometime now and I have to say that I'm extremely excited about it. The excitement is such that new ideas came to mind and I couldn't help but keep refining everything(story, characters, plot and etc...). To be honest I have great hopes for this project and believe that it could be one of the greatest movies and/or movie franchises of all-time.

This being said, I've every details hands down (from story to themes, etc...) except the dialogue, which is not my area of expertise and therefore I would welcome help. But even for that, you don't have to worry because I have the details regarding the types of speech, conversation and topics according to each stage of the story. I'm pretty flexible and open-minded, if you had any idea I would listen and consider.

I'm in urgent need of someone who'd help me write the dialogue. I currently live in Edmonton,Alberta (Canada), if you're around there, you're welcome to contact me and would be great if we could work in the same place. But if you're far away (like in another country) but would still love to be part of this project, please you're more than welcome to contact me and we could work through voice or video calls; just make sure you can spare sometime for us to work together (anywhere between (30min - 2hrs). This way we can check on each other and keep track of our progress in this project.

Contact: email:

IG: @allouhnmarco

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