Introduce Yourself : I Can't Find The Keys To The Gate by Byron McKim

Byron McKim

I Can't Find The Keys To The Gate

Stage 32 is a great source of information for just about everything and anyone related to Film & TV in the USA. But what if you don't live in the USA. All the financial information is so out of reach unless you live in America is very discouraging for a filmmaker like me. The sad truth is that unless you have the financing to rent gear or purchase an iPhone so you can have a digital moving image to tell a story your are SCREWED. I can't ask a Cinematographer from Idaho to come to Tim-Buck-Two Canada to shoot a film, and oh yeah, I can't pay you and I don't have a crew, which doesn't matter because I can\t pay them either. And I must admit, I'm leery in paying money to an assistant of an assistant to a Producer to have coverage done on my screenplay for fear that the story itself or concept will be stolen. Let's be honest with one another, Hollywood is not for the weak and innocent. They are thieves and greedy sons-of-bitches. So I hide in the shadows because it's safe. I can't connect to distribution deals or funding potentials when I live in a country that has three TV Broadcasters and anything to get money is a Securities No No in Canada. When Stage 32 can actually provide real contribution that falls into the realm of Canadian laws on how to find money other than government institutions I'm in, otherwise I'll just sit on the sidelines an watch.

B McKim

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