Financing / Crowdfunding : Looking for an Executive Producer on a low budget feature horror film by Brad Rego

Brad Rego

Looking for an Executive Producer on a low budget feature horror film

I'm a independent filmmaker out of Brooklyn and am looking to start filming my fourth feature length film soon. Our last feature "The Killing of Jacob Marr" ( was released in October of 2010 and has been shown at a few theaters around the country and has gotten some very good reviews. Last year we were signed by a distribution company with the intention of a worldwide DVD release. At this moment, it has not been officially released yet but I'm hoping soon. Anyway as we look toward our next feature the budget on this new horror film, which is a creature feature, is going to have a substantially larger one and so we need to get an EP on board to help us with raising funding for the project. First off, here is the Facebook Fan Page which has some info and a teaser about the project: What we are looking for is someone who can come on board and help with the financial portion of the fundraising. We are a firm believer in paying for peoples time however since we have no money right now we can offer a couple different scenarios of compensation. We can offer a straight commission percentage of whatever money is committed to and received from your contacts, or we can do a flat rate deferred salary based on a price we can agree on once funding is secured, or back end points on the film. I'm pretty flexible and willing to work out something in order to get the movie off of the ground. Let's talk. We are hoping to obtain around $150k for the entirety of the film from production to post and crowd funding just isn't going to cut that. If you are interested let me know. Brad

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