Introduce Yourself : Reality TV Creator/ Writer by Irma R. Graves

Irma R. Graves

Reality TV Creator/ Writer

Hello. I am a Reality TV Creator/Writer. I have developed a variety of shows and treatments. My shows are entertaining, creative, interactive and challenging. They range from game shows, competition, and/or family shows. They are targeted for youth, adults, or families. I am currently seeking an agent, and/or a production company for potential representation.

Lina Jones

Wow that sounds fun! You must not have to write to much being its reality am I right cause I could be wrong. Welcome

Irma R. Graves

Hello.Thank you. LOL. It isn't as simple as you think.It involves creativity,planning, details, and vision. However, the most difficult part of any creative mode is to find the right avenue to be heard.Best of luck to you also.

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