Introduce Yourself : Introducing... by Stephanie Jane Wickmere

Stephanie Jane Wickmere


Helloooooo Stage32! I'm Steph; I'm an actress who can also sing and dance, juggle, generally goof off and am also a self confessed chocoholic! :) So now that you know a little bit about the quirky side of me, you should also know that I'm extremely hard working and dedicated because acting is my passion; its what I love to do above everything else and I'm committed to becoming the best (hopefully award winning) actress I can be! I'll be honest, I've actually been a member for a couple of months but I definitely haven't even scratched the surface of whats here so this is my official introduction :) So if your looking for an awesome actress to bring something a little bit special to your production, or even if you just fancy a chat please get in touch :) (and I promise I'm not nearly as big headed in person ;) ) You can either message me through my profile here at Stage32 or head over to my website: (PS: showreel will ready in the next week or so, so I recommend adding me to your network in order to stay in touch!) I look forward to connecting with you :) Steph x

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