Animation : Hey you!! by Sergio Biscaldi

Sergio Biscaldi

Hey you!!

Looking for an animation studio anywhere in the world willing to produce a short crazy story created by a Brazilian screenwriter. Who accepts into this?

David Andrade

Good luck on getting your idea produced! I always tell people, animation is a journey, even a simple minute long short can take up to a year! Try reaching out to artists on - you may be able to cobble together a team

Sergio Biscaldi

Hello, David. Just thinking about facilitating the production, the story is simple, built with basically one single character and few locations. Tell me more about artists, I do not know them.

Sergio Biscaldi

I researched about CGTalk. Fantastic. Thanks for the tip, friend.

David Andrade

No problem! There is a collaboration forum. It's just a start, but it may point you in the right direction. Also try :)

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