Introduce Yourself : Never Give Up! by Giacomo Knox

Giacomo Knox

Never Give Up!

Hello all! I'm Giacomo, born and raised in NJ, former long time resident of Los Angeles, now pursuing my dreams in Dallas. I've about done it all in entertainment from Stunts and Commercial acting, Directing, Screenwriting and Producing a Reality TV series. Next up for me alongside my writing and producing ambitions, singing and songwriting ballads and House Music. Did I mention that I started my career in LA back in 1993, and I'm JUST NOW getting the attention my work has deserved? NEVER GIVE UP. If G-d gave you the talent, you'd better bless Him back by pursuing it to the end and don't take any shortcuts.

Michael McLaughlin

Hey Giacomo! Amen bro! and blessings to you! Thanks. Michael

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