Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32 by Nicholas Cariddo

Nicholas Cariddo

Hello Stage 32

My name is Nick Cariddo. I am an aspiring screenwriter from New Jersey. Last month I went to the Screen Writers World West Conference Pitch Fest in LA - and it was a dream come true - not because anyone told me I was the next great screenwriter (although that would've been cool) but because for the first time ever - I was with fellow writers talking and pitching our passions. I've been working on one particular screenplay for some time now (based on a true, untold maritime disaster from 1934)- and this story has truly infiltrated my soul. My hope: someone will find this story (and my take on it) interesting and worthy of making into a film. In staying with the "Introduce Yourself" theme: I am a nurse practitioner (by day). I work in an internal medicine clinic that serves mostly the Medicaid/charity care population (So if anyone on "Stage 32" has any medical questions - shoot'em my way :) I am married to a wonderful wife (who absolutely hates reading anything I write - mostly because she hates reading, go figure, right.) And I have two beautiful daughters (9 & 7) who among all their wonderful attributes, like to sing and play or do just about anything else in my writing area...while I'm writing. I also have a Masters Degree in Writing (from Monmouth University)---which was a real nice way to add to my already hefty school loan debt. But I can't get away from writing - it makes me feel alive. I am happy to be a part of the Stage 32 community!

Danielle Shapley

Hello Nicholas, It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for adding me. Like you, I too, am in the medical field. I am a nurse. Although, it is not what I aspire to do forever. Anytime you would like an opinion or feed back, I'd be happy to read your script. Best wishes, Danielle

Tom Williams

its great to get back to the entertainment field again and after a career with the engineering world. Am new and looking forward to a career here.

Susan Newman

Look forward to seeing your work and what develops through this warm community.

Janet Scott

looking forward to hearing more... hello there Nicholas.... nice to have you with us.....

Nicholas Cariddo

The Morro Castle, 1934

Ann C Wolf

I missed the conference and hope to go in the future. How many people would you estimate attended? Would you go back again?

Nicholas Cariddo

I only went to the pitch slam... There were probably 200 + attendees . I think it was well worth it-- I got to pitch approx. 20-22 reps and about 1/2 that seem interested- and subsequently requested materials - I would go again

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