Introduce Yourself : TamirFilms Casting by Tamir Yardenne

Tamir Yardenne

TamirFilms Casting

Hey Everyone, @TamirFilms we are a community of compassionate filmmakers, volunteers, and friends dedicated to creating a platform to inspire the spiritual well being of others around the globe. Founded by myself in 2007 and going strong. Our next project is a multi racial cast with a well known director at the helm. We are so excited. For audition dates and times, like our page for updates @ - Thanks Tamir

T Mike Ryan

Very beat of wishes to you! Good stuff

Tamir Yardenne

thanks T

Patrina Reddick - Pimosh Publishing

Nice to meet you & congrats on ur success!

Tamir Yardenne

nice meeting u 2 Patrina

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