Screenwriting : Script Frenzy by Jason Dailing

Jason Dailing

Script Frenzy

Thirty pages in my script frenzy! Good stuff (though a LOT of editing when the time comes) how is everyone else doing? :D

Sarah Walker

On page 29...I've not been able to resist the urge to do some editing as i go :(

Jason Dailing

Lol i feel the same way too! Ugh, its really hard. But what i do is if i decided to change something, i write the most current as correct and make a note to change the previous after the frenzy. Only a few minor things so far, two guns instead of one, and change the class teacher from calculus to humanties, so nothing major... yet lol

Sarah LeJeune

I have several scripts that are stuck at page 30. I don't know what it is. I must be jinxed or something, but I always hit a block at 30. :/ I hope you make it to 31 and beyond! :)

Jason Dailing

I bet that's around Act II starts, I get stuck there too at times lol I always need a good act break to launch the second act to launch the rest of the script, or i get bored and move on :) Good luck Sarah!

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