Introduce Yourself : Hi I'm Brian by Brian Arnopp

Brian Arnopp

Hi I'm Brian

I am a photographer based in Welwyn in the UK. I trained as an industrial photographer in the aerospace industry but am also into shooting food and restaurants. I have recently updated my website (still learning the rudiments of Dreamweaver :)) so if it looks primitive it probably is. I am also into "art" photography (not sure about that term ...) and my stuff can be seen at and my Flickr account. Could say a lot more but it's my turn to cook dinner tonight so cheers for now. Brian

Andrea Thompson

Welcome to the community Brian! We are thrilled to have you. I've met a lot of people here from the UK - it's a great community on Stage 32. You'll fit right in. ps - what's for dinner?

Brian Arnopp

Thanks for that Andrea - I will be starting to put together a foodie blog - basically it was roast vegetables with capers and olives and ras-al-hanout with chicken stock flavoured couscous but there were a lot of things in it - will send the link when ready. Not a vegetarian as such but eat most stuff ...

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