Emory University

Emory University

Emory University

Emory University is a college located in Druid Hills, Georgia.

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At least 32 Stage 32 members have attended Emory University:
Erica Cho

Erica Cho

Actor and Host/Presenter from New York City, New York
Diana Suber

Diana Suber

Producer, Screenwriter and Attorney (Non-Entertainment) from Atlanta, Georgia
Philip Jaffe

Philip Jaffe

Camera Operator from Los Angeles, California
Katie Schaffer

Katie Schaffer

Actor, Host/Presenter and Prop Master from Atlanta, Georgia
Ashley Schindler

Ashley Schindler

Actor, Playwright and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Angela Edmond

Angela Edmond

Producer and Creative Executive from Atlanta, Georgia
Edward Leech

Edward Leech

Screenwriter from Cleveland, Tennessee
Alec Galambos

Alec Galambos

Music Composer, Music Conductor and Musician from New York City, New York
Alfred Dwight Johnson

Alfred Dwight Johnson

Screenwriter from Atlanta, Georgia
Joel Godard

Joel Godard

Actor, Comedian and Host/Presenter from Costa Mesa, California
Aryana Charise

Aryana Charise

Actor and Voice Artist from Atlanta, Georgia
Stuart Clarke

Stuart Clarke

Screenwriter from Atlanta, Georgia
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