Hesser College

Hesser College

Hesser College

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At least 8 Stage 32 members have attended Hesser College:
Kevin Waterman

Kevin Waterman

Actor and Stunt Performer from New Orleans, Louisiana
Edward Zaleski

Edward Zaleski

Actor, Musician and Sound Designer from Hampstead, New Hampshire
Timothy Dean Firman

Timothy Dean Firman

Music Composer and Screenwriter
Thomas Linnell

Thomas Linnell

Author from Savannah, Georgia
Yissendy Trinidad

Yissendy Trinidad

Screenwriter, Producer and Actor from Los Angeles, California
WendySue Pucko

WendySue Pucko

Playwright from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Arthur Taylor

Arthur Taylor

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Editor from Nashua, New Hampshire
Courtney Bradman

Courtney Bradman

Screenwriter from North Port, Florida
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