Columbia College Hollywood

Columbia College Hollywood

Columbia College Hollywood

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At least 58 Stage 32 members have attended Columbia College Hollywood:
Carl Hartman

Carl Hartman

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Denver, Colorado
Sarmad Khan

Sarmad Khan

Director and Screenwriter from Mumbai, India
Brian Ging

Brian Ging

Editor from Los Angeles, California
Sadie Dean

Sadie Dean

Producer, Screenwriter and Director from Los Angeles, California
Peer Menke

Peer Menke

Assistant Director, Cinematographer and Producer from Berlin, Germany
Mizanur Rahman

Mizanur Rahman

Actor, Assistant Director and Camera Operator from Los Angeles, California
Dave Clark

Dave Clark

Actor and Comedian from Burbank, California
Mark Austin Heim

Mark Austin Heim

Cinematographer, Director and Producer from San Francisco, California
Edward Payson

Edward Payson

Director and Screenwriter from Burbank, California
Yasuyuki Kubota

Yasuyuki Kubota

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Tokyo, Japan
Jeff Alley

Jeff Alley

Screenwriter, Director and Editor from Brooklyn, New York
Bruce Merwin

Bruce Merwin

Screenwriter from Saint Augustine, Florida
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