Rice University

Rice University

Rice University

Rice University is a college located in Houston, Texas.

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At least 14 Stage 32 members have attended Rice University:
Annie Lin

Annie Lin

Other from San Francisco
Tara Imani

Tara Imani

Actor, Researcher and Screenwriter from Houston, Texas
Roddy Maginot

Roddy Maginot

Actor, Cinematographer and Editor from Houston, Texas
Ian Garrett

Ian Garrett

Lighting Designer, Transmedia Producer and Content Creator from Toronto, Canada
Chris Hennessy

Chris Hennessy

Producer, Director and Filmmaker from San Jose, California
John Christopher Bell

John Christopher Bell

Music Composer, Sound Designer and Producer from Aliso Viejo, California
Charles Mallory

Charles Mallory

Music Composer, Music Conductor and Musician from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Vic Formosa

Vic Formosa

Actor, Crew and Director of Operations from Vancouver, Canada
Mark Knight

Mark Knight

Photographer (Still) from Torrance, California
Miranda Spigener-Sapon

Miranda Spigener-Sapon

Director, Other and Producer from Los Angeles, California
David Kiang

David Kiang

Editor from Culver City, California
Josh Kilroy

Josh Kilroy

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
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