Ange Neale

Ange Neale


Adelaide, Australia

Member Since:
April 2014
Last online:
2 weeks ago
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About Ange

Truth be told, I'm merely an aspiring screenwriter. I have one 100% completed script, 'A Women's War, Too', but there are plenty more ideas in my notebook for if I ever get time (which I have little of at the moment - I care full time for my best friend, who has early-onset Alzheimer's).

I got stuck in the middle of research toward my Ph.D. on historical Australian military policy (where it intersected with service by lesbian and female personnel) by my best friend's illness then COVID hit us all, but I hope to get back to it some day.

It's lesbian (defined strictly as adult female homosexuals) and/or feminist stories I'm really interested in telling - the roads so much less traveled. Demolishing glass ceilings and all of that. Oh, and kindly don't call me 'queer': to my generation of Ls and Gs, it remains a slur.

Unique traits: 'Unique'? Tens of billions of us in all human history, I'd argue there is no 'unique'. Let's go with 'noteworthy'. I love modern history and I'm a good researcher. I persevere: My BA degree took me nine years, on and off, then I completed Honours in one year. I can handle constructive criticism about my writing without being precious, and I don't argue against making changes when they make things better. If they don't make sense to story and/or character, expect me to push back.




  • A Women's War, Too

    A Women's War, Too Budget: $10M - $30M | Drama Romance A conscientious American pilot and a closeted RAF surgeon are torn between love and duty as they fight a vindictive philanderer and institutional chauvinism for their forbidden WWII lesbian romance and careers.


  • Flinders University

  • Rangitoto College, Auckland, NZ

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