Interview/video/editing team wanted - a job post by Talor Stewart, Architect

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Film/Theatre Journalist: Paid

Interview/video/editing team wanted

Seeking Film/Theatre Journalist
Location Glenwood, Maryland
Status Development
Type Promo
Genre Historical / Biopic / True-stories • Documentary / Docuseries
Job Owner
Date Added May 24, 2018
Date Updated May 24, 2018
Deadline Jun 24, 2018
About the job

Looking for a crew (one or two people) to spend a couple of days with me interviewing and recording video and audio. I am an architect and the interview questions will be developed into chapters/content for my upcoming book Green Picket Fence: Consciously Living the New American Dream in a Custom Designed, Eco Friendly Home.

I already have a book publishing contract in place, I just need to get the content to the editor, so I will do a speech to text program to handle that. All I need is the audio file, so you don't have to mess with that. From approximately 6-8 hours of recordings I will take the audio files and translate them into text and work with my editor to format the book.

Your job is to help with the video production and editing.

We can shoot the video in various locations - I have a suitable indoor and outdoor settings at my home in Maryland, or we could possibly use your studio if that is determined to be the best solution.

I will be looking for you to take the raw footage into the studio and edit it into the following deliverables:

1) Home Page Video: A 3 minute landing page video clip to invite people to opt in to my mailing list and get a free copy of the book

2) Informative, Lead Gen clips: Twenty, 3 minute video clips explaining different concepts and trivia that each end with an invitation to get the book and begin the process of working with me. These videos I will post to youtube, vimeo, facebook, and other social sites to drive traffic.

3) Press Clip: A 3 - 5 minute video clip for press to view to get an idea of my speaking presence/interviewability etc for radio, tv, blog, webinar shows etc. I deliver good concepts and soundbites related to design, conscious living, congruency - home design according to a person's personal core values and lifestyle goals. 

4) Potential Partner Clip: A 3-5 minute video clip for partners/sponsors to view to learn about becoming a prefered vendor in the last chapter of the book which lists my recommended suppliers/contractors/products. Companies that sell eco friendly lifestyle brand products such as water purifiers, matresses, solar panels etc will want to see a short explainer video outlining the opportunity to partner with me and benefit from the cross promotion of the book distribution chanels.

5) Working Together Video: 5 minute invitation to take the first step and order a discovery program service where we go through the exploration of a person's goals, needs, styles, elements, power directions, spacial requirements and other factors that they will want to have established to ensure an exceptional home that meets their individual needs. This step is a low commitment investment that results in a document that outlines everything they need to track and evaluate design choices to see if they match/hold up to their core values. It is the benchmark standard to which they can measure all design decisions, and will be invaluable in moving forward with any designer, even if they do not end up working with me on a full, custom home design. Even if they never have a home custom built for them, this document will assist them every time they look to move, rent, purchase, or renovate their home. It is like a personal roadmap for living space.

6) A copy of all raw and edited files, both video and audio.

All video and audio files, edited or raw need to remain the exclusive property of my business. If there is a specific clip or something you want to use for promotional stuff etc we can consider that, but I am also willing to record a testimonial for you so that would probably be preferable to you anyway. See compensation notes below:


1) $3,000 monetary budget

2) My written, audio, and video testimonial that you can freely use to promote your services. You make me look good, I will make you look good. I will take the time to give you quality testimony for your marketing/social proof.

3) I will recommend you to at least three of my local, professional contacts directly on my own initiative in case they are interested in your service.

I have studio lights, both LED and incandescent that can be used, but all camera and audio equipment needs to be yours. 

There will be some discussion needed regarding timeline, video style, storyboarding/content continuity etc. so let's have that conversation!

Thanks, I look forward to working on this together... :)

Talor Stewart, Architect

Hi Donna, if I don't find a good match locally I will consider traveling to work with someone. I'll circle back to you if I need to expand my range for this. Thanks.

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