Acting : LOL or what even is this??? by G.R. Barnett

G.R. Barnett

LOL or what even is this???

Hi, I'm not really an actor, nor have I even put in for representation. I randomly got an email today from the nine9 talent agency saying that I fit the bill for what they were looking for. I haven't even put in for anything like that, at all, ever. So is this a case of good luck, mistaken identity, or is somebody trying to scam me? G.R.B.

Samuel Kurnit

When in doubt, google the name of the business and the word scam. nine9 talent is associated with One Source Talent, which is a scam.

G.R. Barnett

I did right after I posted here and yeah it is a scam. I knew something was fishy when they contacted a non-actor. -G.R.B.

JD Hartman

.....but you have such great potential. Just send us a USPS money order for $$$ and we'll get you started on your acting career right away!

G.R. Barnett

LOL thank you, I'm so flattered! We can discuss it ocer my ocean front property in Arizona!

JD Hartman

Don't like the salt air. How about Lake Havasu? Always wanted to see London Bridge.

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