Animation : Animation Project Glitch by David Levy

David Levy

Animation Project Glitch

I am currently in production on a theatrical teaser trailer and my animator is running into a glitch on the project. She used C4D and after effects and can't figure out how to fix it. A silver line flashes between silver and black, which it shouldn't. My animator believes the only way to stop is mask and track in 2D by one frame by one frame and it is very time consuming. If any experienced animators need more information or to see the actual glitch in action, please message me here or at Thank you!

Amanda Toney

Hey David - this isn't in my wheelhouse, but I realized that it got pushed back a few pages. I'll bring it to the top of the lounge again & see if there are any animators in my network who can help you.... anyone?

David Levy

Thank you for trying. After searching and asking here and in various Facebook groups, I found no one able to provide any advice or input into my issue. I am thankful to the one person I e mailed on here who at least put me in a direction for some kind of answer. So we are just going to muddle though with it as is.

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