Distribution : Distribution Contract Process? by Jeff Gentile

Jeff Gentile

Distribution Contract Process?

Can someone please help me in understanding the process of selling a TV show through a distributor? I have a client I am representing and have been in contact with a distributor from Australia. We have 4 seasons completed that will be sold internationally and I'm trying to educate myself on the financial side of the process. Thank you for any & all help!

Michael Riecken

Wow - a huge question. Happy to help on the Australian side of things. Can you break this question down into bite sized pieces? Step 1: get an entertainment lawyer who knows their chops Step 2: get a sales agent that you trust Let me know if you have more specific questions

Jeff Gentile

Michael, thank you for the reply. Maybe posed in another manner; Will a distributor pay amount 'x' upfront to own full rights for their network customers? Or do they pay nothing upfront and then pay a percentage of whatever their networks purchase?

Jeff Gentile

David, my apologies for the delay. But thank you very much for your in depth and thoughtful commentary. I am now in discussions with 3-4 smaller international distributors and I will definitely keep your points in mind. My client has 4 completed seasons of a fishing TV show & we are preparing to shoot season 5 now. In total, I'd say we have 40+ episodes that aired locally, as well as nationally.

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