Financing / Crowdfunding : Funding Success Stories by Brett Russell

Brett Russell

Funding Success Stories

Hello all. Would anyone like to share details of their journey to funding a project? What were the terms of the deal? Why were they interested? Were they informed investors? Horror stories of debt/equity financing? Are any of these stories movie material? Thanks!

Jane Sanger

Hi I asked a similar question and 1 person gave a full answer you can look at that but here’s my own answer.

I raised £250,000 for a horror film by 80,000 private investment, £110,00 deferred pay and a deal with a post house for colour, edit, sound snd vfx 60,000 against film tax credit. The film is finished and now with a sales agent. I would not fund raise this way again, ie on deferred pay. Though my contracts are water tight and I have a sales agent it rankles with some people as they dont understand it while others are prepared to wait.

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