Introduce Yourself : Hello, hello! by Alayna Whitlock

Alayna Whitlock

Hello, hello!

Hello, Stage 32 Community! I'm a screenwriter, actress, author, and singer. I've been looking for some help to kind of get out there in the entertainment world, so any advice/opportunities on singing, acting, or screenwriting would be much appreciated! I love the entertainment world. So excited to be on here.

Dave McCrea

hi! what I would say is you gotta brand yourself. Everyone you see who is megasuccessful has branded themselves. If i say a Tarantino movie you know what that means. If i say she played a Jennifer Aniston type role you know what that means. So right now I see your name is "A. Whitlock Kohlmann", that is different but it's also a bit inaccessible. If I see that written down I don't know if it's a male or female. Also you list that you are a screenwriter, actress, author and singer, no doubt that you can do all these things well, but the more you can narrow that down and focus it the better. On a subtle level jack of all trades signifies master of none - even if that's inaccurate, it's a perception. You say you want to get into the entertainment world, but I think you should think about nailing it down more specifically. Don't think of it as limiting yourself - think of it as a product you're selling. Think of yourself like Nike - your first product is going to be great running shoes (or say, witty female-driven ensemble comedies). In the future you can be outerwear and you can be Nike golf clubs but for now your thing is great running shoes... (lol'ing a bit at my own analogy though)

Alayna Whitlock

Wow thanks for the advice! I'll take everything you've said into consideration. :)

Alayna Whitlock

And great analogy :)

Dave McCrea

Alayna is a great name

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