On Writing : David Thewlis: Connecting Acting And Writing by Douglas Eby

Douglas Eby

David Thewlis: Connecting Acting And Writing

Actor David Thewlis is known for his dynamic characters in many films including Naked (1993), as Remus Lupin, a “Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts” in the Harry Potter series, and many more. His first novel “The Late Hector Kipling” was the focus of an interview by screenwriter William Monahan:

William Monahan: “I find that when you’re writing a character, you are that character. It’s probably no joke that Shakespeare was an actor. Dickens, famously, was a brilliant performer of his invented people, not only when he was reading in public but also when he was creating them on the page.

“Do you see any connection yourself between the ability to act and the ability to write?”

David Thewlis: “I think there is a very strong connection..."


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