On Writing : Foreign writer. by Rayner Guerra

Rayner Guerra

Foreign writer.

Greetings. A question for writers who have been in a situation that needs two writers for a work but writers are in different countries. How to make a contract for the writer who is in a distant place, another country? And that he receives profits from the projection of the film. How to give confidence to a foreign writer. Any examples of written contract already written? Some explanation.

Thoko Zulu

Hello Rayner.

My thoughts are that the contracts for both writers if co-writing and playing equal roles must pay the same, including profit shares.

I have been offered writing gigs from other countries where my contract was different and I was offered less than the other writer who had less writing experience but more certificates. .She was paid international rates because her wall was decorated with all kinds of university degrees and l was self trained.

Confidence cannot be given, Guerra., like respect it can be earned through trial and failure . How? I was intimidated by the other writer's qualifications and portfolio but l was confident l got the job because the hiring team saw the quality of the writing samples l submitted.

When two people are working together, they do as a team to deliver as expected. Without respect, the other person who feels inferior wouldn't be able to perform at their best because their opinions or ideas to break or make the story would be disregarded and when the assignment fails, the team falls together.

So what did l do? I didn't sign the contract because she gave me the impression I wasn't qualified to write with her and wanted to give me her own personal writing tests because l wasn't certified.

If you want samples of writing contracts, you can also Google them.

Rayner Guerra

Thanks for your explanation. I appreciate that.

Elisabeth Meier

Rayner Guerra I agree to Thoko Zulu Both writers deserve the same contract. The one who's searching a co-writer obviously needs help. The other one wants to work and get paid and usually wouldn't apply if s/he weren't able to manage the writing.

Then, you must trust each other. So, before it comes to a contract you usually exchange ideas, writing samples via emails and skype etc. and by this you know if you can trust and the chemistry is right. If yes, you can work out the contract. Maybe even together and then give it to a lawyer to fix it.

It looks as if your main problem is the distance and maybe a different language - but seriously, Rayner, we all are human beings and distance is the less problem. Even if the English is not quite correct it shouldn't be a prob as this can easily be corrected. Creativity, diligence, knowing the craft and delivering in time is what counts most and what should be valued and paid fair and correctly.

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