Post-Production : "After the actors go home, the real work begins." by Chris Fosselman

"After the actors go home, the real work begins."

Well after producing, casting, directing and acting I couldn't agree more with the above statement. I really thought I was "done" or just had to edit everything and then it was done. I had never even heard of a sound designer or a color corrector. Seriously, where have I been for the last 9 years in this business? I guess just worried about making it as an actor. The phrase your only as strong as your weakest link totally applies to movie making and this project. The good news is I have found two people that have jumped on board with my/our project from this site. I have someone scoring the music and I have someone sound designing the music. Two of three things that weren't even thought about when doing my budget. I am so glad I just went for it on this film. If I would have thought about everything or maybe a better statement known about everything I possibly wouldn't have done this. I'm sure I would have but with even more doubts. I guess I'll put this out there.. If you color correct and you are on down time or for see down time in the next 30-45 days and want to jump aboard this project-I would be so very grateful. Instead of rewriting who I am. I did that yesterday when I reintroduced myself. Thanks for reading!

Simon © Simon

Hey Connor, I read your post, I was wondering why your Score and Colorist was not named? Is this by their choice to NOT be mentioned? Considering it is about networking and promotion... Just pointing it out. IF I were doing the edit or FX I would be kinda of disconcerted to not be mentioned or to be mentioned as a 'someone.' It may behoove you to ask how they feel about it.

Chris Fosselman

Oh good idea. It wasnt a post about people it was a post about the backend of making movies. Still trying to get this network down. I guess, I still need help in that area too. ;)

Simon © Simon

If the "somebody's" are on here, would you not want to use their names; as maybe others needed could check out your ensemble and decided if they too would like to get involved? I am only trying to help. Not trying to 'grind you'. FWIW

Chris Fosselman

Oh just to be clear I dont have a colorist. Need one though!!!!!!

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