Producing : John Lasseter - Technology and Storytelling by Jonathan Kramer

Jonathan Kramer

John Lasseter - Technology and Storytelling

This is part of a presentation given in May but one of the co-founders and visionaries of Pixar. I post this since it's important for ALL to EMBRACE technology in the context of storytelling. As we know Pixar broke the rules and barriers of computer animation and continues to forge new pathways. Similarly, we as storytellers MUST step from the familiar into the future by using and developing tools and concepts never done before. The future is digital and the audience is mobile and will watch ONLY what they want, how they want and with what device they choose.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Have you read the Pixar book "Creativity Inc."? - fascinating and really great concepts. Thanks for sharing the Jonathan!

Jonathan Kramer

Thanks Julie.. and no haven't read it.. but I HAVE been to the Pixar studios which as you know are here in the Bay area. Will definitely look for it though.. I just love what John shares here and wish more people would be paying attention to this new section. If possible maybe you could ask RB if he'd announce it in one of his blog updates. As you know, awareness is the biggest part of audience building

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