Your Stage : Sirene wAVe Movie _ Cineofficina Unza! & _ Milan by David Anthony Sant

David Anthony Sant

Sirene wAVe Movie _ Cineofficina Unza! & _ Milan

The artist film ‘CONCOURSE’ (video footage: David Anthony Sant, field recording: Felix Blume) is included in Sirene wAVe Movie (VI edition). The screenings will take place on Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th of May, h. 21, at Cineofficina Unza! &, via Passerini 18, 20100, Milan.

Sirene wAVe Movie is an international festival of amateur, independent and experimental cinema, started in 2019 as a competition, launched by the “Sirene” photography festival in Sesto San Giovanni (MI).

Concourse - Sirene Wave Movie
Concourse - Sirene Wave Movie
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