OTT & Transmedia : Transmedia audience development by Ed Fletcher

Ed Fletcher

Transmedia audience development

I'm looking for support or advice in developing a digital marketing strategy aimed at building an audience for a based on a true story film project. The plan will address how to best grew an audience utilizing a variety of content. Content will include a prequel comic book, journalistic podcast, video game, viral marketing and earned media. The film and related content center on a 1969 strip club free expression trial. Thanks in advance. Here is the logline for "Pink": Based on a true story, a free-speech loving exotic dancer battles a small-town sheriff and bares it all to prove her expression was worthy of protection.

Jonathan Kramer

Identify the audience you're targeting. Study the lifestyle, interests and habits. Find the bloggers, web sites and apps that cater to the audience then become part of it. Afterward you can post links to your trailers, etc

James Hammer

Your audience is key, just like Jonathan suggests. Building your audience LONG before you start delivering content is a MUST... There are some great social media tools that let you target specific hastags and keyword searches that allow you to seek user content preferences. There isn't any kind of "quick fix" or "silver bullet" in getting this done... it takes time and energy and CANNOT be fast-tracked. It also requires the personalization of your interactions... you can best build audience one relationship at a time. And remember, think about what you can do for THEM, just as much as you consider what they can do for you... I've liked plenty of FB pages and subscribed to almost as many blogs in order to get others to consider my own projects or content. Those are just a few thoughts... be happy to share more if you're interested.

Ed Fletcher

Thanks for the thoughts. That's what I've read and experienced. I'm hoping to generate an specific action plan, with examples, timelines, objectives, targets and expectations. In a nut shell what an techie objective investor would want to see in order to justify the investment in this pre-development strategy.

Jonathan Kramer

Ed.. I really urge you to study transmedia in order to understand there's no 'standard' when it comes to funding as there is in TV or film. As James and I have both said, the MOST powerful currency is audience so knowing who they are, 'where they live' and reaching them AHEAD of anything else is money in the bank.

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