Screenwriting : Have you used this service? by Joseph Dispenza

Joseph Dispenza

Have you used this service? Looking for screenwriters who have used this service: printing and sending a script to people who have responded positively to a pitch. Thanks! Joseph

William Martell

Everything is done by PDF now, so printing and shipping usually isn't required. There are some companies that still use hard copies, but few. If people asked you to send them the script after a pitch, ask if they want hard copy or PDF, most likely they'll say PDF and give you an email address.

Joseph Dispenza

Thanks, William, for this valuable information!

Jason Spellman

I've used this service a couple of times. No complaints so far. You pay a small one time fee to upload your script and then the FedEx rates for shipping. After the upload they keep your script on file and future shipments just require the shipping fee. And I agree with William, PDFs are the standard now. Especially when emailing queries. Most companies just ask you to send them a PDF. It's the old timers (their words not mine) that specifically ask for a hard copy. I used hollywood script express when I didn't have time to go to kinkos and do it myself but in the end it's all about the same price. Cheers!

Brad Ryal

Not sure who will agree with me on this but in this business you should not have to pay to be heard! If your work is good enough you can get it in the right hands without paying a dime. You should not have to pay somebody to read your Script, yes i am aware of the whole process! I have been a Writer/Producer for 14 years. I have heard it all! Most companies need a referral to even look at your work which is true, Why should Warner Brothers look at your Script over the 2 thousand Scripts they receive on a daily basis! Same rip..same roar! I don't feel that way. Yes, people don't work for free and i get that! I don't. But there is a difference on charging to read a Script or actually working on a project! If you have a Script shoot it my way and we can talk about it. :)

Joseph Dispenza

Thanks a million to Brad Ryal!

Jason Spellman

I agree with Brad, I was referring to the shipping service for this company and nothing else. They'll print, package and ship it anywhere for you. Never intended to use their other services.

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