Your Stage : Santa Claus' Punch and Judy by Michael Jacks Pitts

Michael Jacks Pitts

Santa Claus' Punch and Judy

It's Christmas time and what better way to say Merry Christmas than a Punch and Judy show filled with violence, racism, animal abuse, spousal abuse, road kill, dangerous acts, and creepy puppets. That what Santa Claus' Punch and Judy has in store for you. This adventure in nightmare fuel is laid out like watching someone narrate a train wreck. We knew we wanted to do a absolutely terrible holiday film and this one delivers. For starters we got a children's party with Santa when one of these little future psychos asks for a laundry list of items including a Punch and Judy show. So Santa delivers. And let the horror of creepy puppets begin. Like most Punch and Judy shows, Punch is an abusive asshole. He beats and molest Judy, then beats on a cat. Then we are presented with two stereotypical racist black puppets. At this point we suspect that the film was sponsored by the KKK. Then this is followed up by Punch abusing a monkey. This is followed by road kill and a crocodile. Finally after 6 minutes of torture we say farewell to Punch and Judy. Then Santa disappears leaving us with living garland that is going on a killer rampage. We had a lot of fun riffing this one except for GuildWarsGirl17's fear of creepy puppets. So join us for this nightmare as we riff it back to Hell.

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