Introduce Yourself : Actor - Hello to all my virtual nondescript comrade thespians. by Michael Lewis

Actor - Hello to all my virtual nondescript comrade thespians.

Hello to all my virtual nondescript comrade thespians. I love acting because I L O V E to tell stories that entertain and motivate. I never really got into literature when I was in School because it seemed depressing to me: everybody has sex, then everybody dies. (OK, the sex part was pretty cool) I'm a pretty positive guy. I have a chiseled chin, ripped upper body, well defined torso and legs.......... BUT THE PROBLEM IS: chiseled out of butter, frayed - not ripped (my bad), and "well defined" just like Homer Simpson. I take my roles seriously because I want the project to be GREAT. If you are looking for a "star" to carry the movie, then I probably ain't it. If, though, you want to put together a great team / cast of quality and intense talent, then I'm interested.

Richard "RB" Botto

Favorite post of the day thus far. Fantastic, Michael. Loved the everyone has sex, then everybody dies line. Classic literature and horror movies.

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