Introduce Yourself : Introducing myself - shouting into the crowd. by Keith Mosher

Keith Mosher

Introducing myself - shouting into the crowd.

Proper introductions would begin... Hello, I am Keith Mosher. I'm an author, a martial arts instructor, I was an audio producer / engineer and, well, gosh darn I've worn more hats then I care to count. Now that all the proper etiquette is out of the way, time to cut to the chase. I've been lurking on Stage 32 for about a year now, so I felt like it was high time I took advantage of one these Introduce Yourself weekends, so here I am. Decades ago I earned my bachelor's degree in Media Arts, specializing in audio recording and engineering. I used to work in TV / film / multi-media, but life causes us to change over time. What is the current statistic - we will have five careers in our lifetime, on average? Something like that. Well, I've overshot that number a bit. Audio Engineer, Aquarium Maintenance, HVAC office manager, IT manager, Assistant to a CEO at a food chain, Law Office Manager, Proprietor / Operator of a software company, and now a martial arts instructor and, most notably, an author. In the 80’s I was paid for an article I wrote for a computer magazine. Oh my goodness, how quaint. Last year (2014) I published my first novel, a science-fiction. My second is due out later this year. The process has been entirely indie so far, so there is no discussion of being paid, more about when will things break even. However, I have stories to tell, and I simply must tell them. My writing craft has improved tremendously after the release of my first novel, "On a Sphere’s Edge". I knew at the time it wasn’t my best. It was a toe in the water, a starting point for a much larger voyage. Don’t get me wrong, I like my first novel. There is a good story in it, with some fun little spins. However, bigger and more eloquent things are to come. Well, there you have the short end of a long though still growing tale, which is all that any introduction is meant to be. I hope you have a great weekend, and hopefully we can network and connect in some fashion.

Erik Grossman

Welcome to Stage 32! Gotta say, I'm quite jealous of your many hats... that's a lot of variety and experience you can bring to your writing!

Keith Mosher

The hats help to cover my old, bald head - and keep what brains I have left from falling out. :))

Bill Taub

I think you men 'CAN network and connect' -- but maybo I'm wrong...:-)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Nice to "meet" you, Keith. I wish you the best with your writing. :)

Keith Mosher

Bill - so true. My proof reading completely failed me.

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