Introduce Yourself : Photographic excellence! Multimedia Magic! Computer Graphics by Peter H Rosen

Peter H Rosen

Photographic excellence! Multimedia Magic! Computer Graphics

hi, i'm currently in North NJ. I am mostly specializing in lowlight photography these days. I've covered rock concerts; Backstage with musical greats, I've produced interactive edutainment, I've been featured as a lecture on the positive uses of cyberspace, I've taught Digital storytelling, was a broadcast cameraman for ABC television network, and have made many records as a recording engineer. Please don't hesitate to contact me for possible support of your project, book, video, or audio presentation. You can check out some of my photographs at this link: Please have a look at my online portfolio:

Richard "RB" Botto

Very impressive resume, Peter. Sure you have some really interesting stories to tell. I would highly recommend uploading some of your media to your Stage 32 profile to make it easy for people visiting your page to view your work! Great to have you here!

Rick James


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